Groovy Vibe


Our annual turnover does not currently require us to have a Modern Slavery protocol, however, we recognize that, as a global retailer, we have a moral responsibility to ensure our operations in no way provide support to modern slavery or human trafficking. 

This statement sets out the Groovy Vibe policy and actions in relation to combating modern slavery in accordance with the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018.

Groovy Vibe commits to understanding all potential modern slavery risks related to its business and the steps we must take to ensure our supply chains do not incorporate slavery and human trafficking and that no aspect of our business operation supports slavery and human trafficking.

Groovy Vibe is headquartered in Australia. We obtain our products from three wholesale warehouses supplying the Asia-Pacific and US region with over 20,000 products in a wide range of product categories. Our wholesale suppliers are located in Victoria Australia, Queensland Australia and Los Angeles California.

We supply a majority of the major brands of adult products and we are always looking for locally-produced quality products to add to our catalogue. All of our suppliers are subject to our Supplier Code of Conduct which includes an obligation to ensure products are ethically sourced and that those suppliers also have in place modern slavery statements and procedures.

We encourage our customers to contact us if they have any concerns about our supply chains and we are committed to investigating and addressing those concerns. Concerns can be reported to